The Power of Intention is StarFire Awesome!

In a recent blog, “Guided Imagery Exercise for Difficult Emotions” I shared that I am carrying a deep grief in my heart. Well, the last week of February I got slammed with a grief wave that affected me on every level. I felt miserable, with back pain, neck pain, exhaustion, headaches, upset stomach, extra sensitivity (even more than my usual HSP-ness!), dizziness, depression, irritability, and anxiety. I cried often and I felt quite a bit of despair, fearing that I will never recover from the grief.

Have you ever felt that miserable?

So then on March 1st, I was feeling a tad better and I gathered my wits and set some intentions. I posted my “keywords for March” on Facebook: Acceptance, Forgiveness, Peace, & Grace… And then… something amazing happened. The very next day I felt those keywords actualizing in my being. I truly felt Acceptance, Forgiveness, Peace, & Grace… I felt so much more clear about everything, and I felt at peace with my whole past. I said out loud, “I accept and bless everything that has happened in my life.”

Gratitude was ringing in every cell. It was as if I had passed through a dark portal, like a brutal shamanic journey through excruciating pain, and popped out the other side into the radiant orange light!

Wow, I am telling you, if you don’t already know (and reminding you if you do know), that the power of intention is StarFire Awesome! The next time you’re going through a dark portal, remember to set some positive keywords (and share them with others to give them even more power), and then be amazed by the results! Holy Coconut Shells, it is so awesome to feel at peace with your past. I wish this for you also.

And, we are human and ever-changing. Our emotions rise and fall like ocean waves, which means that I may still have more work to do on Acceptance and Forgiveness. But for now I’m enjoying this state of Peace & Grace… And I’m feeling hopeful, willing, and curious for what is next…

How are you feeling today?


image Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech