StarFire Teja’s StarFire Friday Prayer: May You Feel Refreshed


May your mind and spirit feel refreshed.

May you be guided to look for the good and to be the good.

May your weekend be blessed with the radiant light of the sun, moon, stars, and crystals.


Have you noticed that your prayers and visualizations regularly need to be refreshed? You might attribute this to the internet information age shortening your attention span, but actually it is because your deeper mind and your highest soul both live in the present moment… And, the present moment is ever new! So your mind and spirit crave newness. That is why I regularly share new prayers and new visualizations with you here in these blog articles.

With your intentions, prayers, and guided imagery exercises, a good rule to follow is to do them until they feel stale or boring, and then change to new ones. How often you will need to refresh them will vary, so just watch how they make you feel as you say them or think them.

May this weekend be truly refreshing for you!

May you be blessed by the Forces of Goodness.

May All Beings Be Happy!


Please see follow-up article on March 3rd:
“Refreshing AND Deepening”



image Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech